Ways We Show our Gratitude
The Talmud teaches, "Honor not a person for their possessions alone; honor them for the right use they make of them." The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation (The Foundation) is proud to recognize individuals and families who have created a lasting Jewish legacy. These generous endowment gifts help to secure our Jewish future and help ensure that Jewish life remains vibrant in Miami, in Israel and around the world.
The following recognition groups have been established to express gratitude to The Foundation's valued donors.
Forever Pacesetter
The Forever Pacesetter program honors those donors who have chosen to perpetuate their Pacesetter-level annual gift. Through a minimum legacy commitment of $200,000, a Pacesetter-level donation of $10,000 or more would be made annually in a donor's name to the Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Annual Campaign beyond their lifetime, thus creating a lasting Jewish legacy.
These funds help to provide the Federation with the resources to care for those in need, meet unexpected challenges and plan for the future, now and forever. Forever Pacesetters are also members of the Heritage Society.
Forever Lion
Created in 1972 by Norma Kipnis Wilson (of blessed memory) and Toby Friedland (of blessed memory) for the Miami Women's Philanthropy Campaign, the Lion of Judah is now an international symbol of commitment to the global Jewish community. The knowledge that it cost $5,000 to rescue a family of four from the Soviet Union and bring that family to Israel was the determining factor for creating this dollar level.
Just as the Lion of Judah has its roots in Miami, so too does the Lion of Judah Endowment Society (LOJE), created by Mikki Futernick over 25 years ago. The LOJE program honors women who have perpetuated their Lion of Judah-level donation with a minimum legacy commitment of $100,000, making them Forever Lions.
Forever Lions proudly wear a gold flame on their Lion pin, Or L'Atid, which means "light unto the future," that symbolizes their commitment to ensure Jewish continuity and growth. They are also members of the Heritage Society and eligible for Golden Care.
Heritage Society
Members of the Heritage Society are proud trustees of the future of our Jewish community. They have created a permanent endowment of $100,000 or more through The Foundation. All new Heritage Society members receive the prestigious Heritage Society Mezuzah in recognition of their outstanding commitment to the Jewish people. Special events presented by both The Foundation and Federation enable like-minded philanthropists to meet one another and share ideas.
Heritage Society members are also eligible for the benefits of the Golden Care Foundation, a unique service for elderly individuals or couples who may receive little or no social support but seek to live independently. Read more about Golden Care.
The Golden Care Foundation
There may come a time when an individual can no longer live independently; when something as routine as driving to the grocery store becomes difficult, if not impossible. It's a difficult, but important, thing to think about.
The Golden Care Foundation, a supporting organization of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, provides its members with advocacy, referral and support services that offer a level of added security and self-sufficiency as they age. Golden Care is available to members of The Foundation's Heritage Society, donors who have established or committed to establish a permanent endowment within The Foundation of $100,000 or more.
Golden Care is a wonderful resource for elderly individuals or couples who receive little or no social support from family members and seek to live independently. Golden Care professionals are in frequent contact with Golden Care members to determine whether they need special or supplemental services that will help them manage life's many challenges. As members age, Golden Care staffers also visit and call them to help determine whether additional health, professional or assisted-living services are needed. Golden Care professionals become trusted friends and advisors when illness limits independence, or other issues become too cumbersome to handle alone.
Golden Care professionals connect members with an array of services, including home health care, homemaker services, living and meal arrangements, long-term care and medical services.
Golden Care members are also invited to participate in special activities and celebrations throughout the year. These include Federation and Jewish community events, as well as parties to celebrate Jewish holidays and personal milestones. These activities offer Golden Care members regular social interaction and the chance to build a circle of friends who share similar interests.
Many individuals and couples become members of Golden Care at the urging of friends or family, while others are referred to the program by professional advisors who wish to provide their clients with peace of mind, as well as a charitable means to benefit others.